Upcoming Events

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Rowdy Rooks Open Tournament

Friday, March 7 – Sunday, March 9

MUN University Centre Food Court
1 Arctic Ave, St. John's. Near clock tower entrance

Round Schedule

Friday, Mar 7

6:00 PM


6:30 PM

Round 1

Saturday, Mar 8

10:00 AM

Round 2

2:00 PM

Round 3

Sunday, Mar 9

10:00 AM

Round 4

2:00 PM

Round 5

Game Format

Time Control:
60 minutes per player + 30-second increment per move

5 Round Swiss System

Open to any rating

Recording of Moves:
Required throughout the game

Bring your own sets and clock if available. Most will be provided.

Entry Fee


via e-transfer to stevemartinish@gmail.com


Pay cash onsite

CFC Rated – Membership Requirement

Annual membership:
must not be expired
Join CFC or renew expired membership


Pay a one-time tournament fee:
$10 (juniors) / $20 (adults), payable onsite

Prize Structure

1st Place:
40% of entry fees

2nd Place:
15% of entry fees

Top Junior:
15% of entry fees

Remaining 30% of entry fees cover rating fees and funding for NLCA (equipment, fees, etc.)

Tournament Rules

Players may only win one prize.

To be eligible for prizes, players must complete 4 out of 5 rounds (only one bye allowed).


To request a bye, contact TD Steve Martin (stevew83@gmail.com) or ask at the event.

Rounds 1-4:
0.5 points each (maximum of one bye).

Round 5:
Zero points.

Please notify us if you’ll be absent to avoid leaving an opponent waiting unnecessarily.

During the tournament, you can reach the TD via Facebook Messenger or phone: 763-9487.

Additional Information

The playing area is a public space, so there may be some background noise, though it is usually quiet.

For questions or concerns, please email stevew83@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you there!


The NL Chess Facebook group also has regular updates about upcoming tournaments. For League tournaments specifically there is another group: Greater St. John's Chess League

NLCA Tiebreak Rules

The procedures below will be used for all NLCA events where prizes are not evenly split. The Tournament Organizer may choose to have a playoff tiebreak instead. A playoff tiebreak must be announced before the start of the tournament in order for it to take precedence over the tie-breaks below.

Swiss event:

Head to head
If all those tied played each other.

Sum of all scores of opponents.

Buchholz cut 1
Sum of all scores of opponents except the lowest point scorer.

Sum of all scores of opponents you won against and half the scores of opponents you drew.

Most wins

Most games with black.

Round Robin event:

Head to head
If all those tied played each other.

Sum of all scores of opponents you won against and half the scores of opponents you drew.

Koya system
Total points scored against opponents who scored at least 50%.

Most wins.

Most games with black