Tournament Announcement, March 20-22, St. John's

Published in News on Mar 16, 2015

Our first rated Standard event of the year will be taking place this weekend.  I have already mentioned this to players that were present at last Tuesday's chess meet.  Morgen Mills, one of our highest rated players who represented us well at the Canadian Closed a couple of years back, will be in attendance.  Details are as follows:

Entry fee: $15 ($10 for Juniors and Seniors)  CFC Membership is required this event.  It is currently priced at $44 a year.  For those renewing their memberships or purchasing a new one, the entry fee for the event will be waived.

Time controls: 75 minutes + 30 second increment added after every move.

Tournament format: Swiss, 5 rounds (if we get 6 or more players).  Half-point byes will be available if requested in advance, however they won't be available for the final round.

Time and location:

Registration: Friday March 20th, 6pm

Round 1: March 20th, 6:30pm

Rounds 2 and 3: March 21th, 9am and 12:30pmRounds 4 and 5: March 22nd 9am and 12:30pmThe tournament will be at MUN.  Friday and Saturday we will be at the Chem-Phys building, in room C-2026.  This was the location of the NL Open last year.  However, on Sunday we will be in a different room: in the nearby Science building in SN-2036.  We were unable to get the same room for the entire weekend unfortunately.

The prize structure remains TBD by the number of attendants.  Morgen has generously offered to pay the rating fees so the fund will be 100% of the entry fees.

Those that are intending to play in this event, please let me know by e-mail or phone: (709) 770-6579.  Please bring boards and clocks if possible.

-Anthony Leonard