NLCA Organizing Meeting in St. John's

Published in News on Jan 11, 2013

A big step has been taken toward the revitalization of the NLCA was taken last night, when many of the key people in the NL chess scene got together for a meeting at Jordan Berson's home in St. John's last night.  From an email report by Anthony Leonard:"Last night's meeting laid a lot of groundwork for future progress. A lot of the most active players in the St. John's area, as well as the Chair of the NL School Chess Association, were able to attend."The decision on a new NLCA Executive has been postponed to a later meeting. In the interim I will continue to do what I can on my end, holding events when possible and passing on information through this mailing list."The timing of the NL Championship was discussed. For as long as I can remember, it has been held during Labour Day weekend. The idea was brought up to move the date to early May, since Labour Day weekend is a very popular travel weekend since it is the last holiday weekend of the summer, with school often starting the week after. In early May things are less hectic and may make it easier for people from out of town to attend. We are already looking into booking a venue for somewhere in the area of May 10th-12th. In the meantime I will be continuing to hold Quick tournaments each month, although I'm not sure if there will be another Standard tournament before May if the Championship is indeed moved."I mentioned possibly getting a Chess Society recognized at MUN. To that end, if there are any other MUN students interested in this idea, I'd advise you to get in contact with me, as I'll need a suitable MUN student player base to make this happen. I know there are plenty of MUN students who do not play in rated events so it is possible we have a largely untapped resource here."There is a new site being built at

. It is still a work in progress but it already contains a lot of results from tournaments that have been held throughout the year, as well as the games that were present at the old site. You can also e-mail games to be posted or analyzed to

. Eventually tournament announcements will also be present on the site. Also, I will be using the discussion board that has been used in the past, This is located at 



. I will be starting a few threads over the next few days to discuss various topics such as the NL Championships and the NLCA Executive."