NL Open 2022 Update

Published in News on Oct 18, 2022

Hi all, an update on the upcoming Newfoundland Open Chess Championship, scheduled to take place this weekend October 21st-23rd.

We are currently at 25 pre-registered entrants. This is an astounding number for our province! As far as I can remember this number alone would make it the largest classical chess event since I began rated chess in 2009. Truly remarkable and very excited to see the turnout. Registered players include three former NL Open winners, and as well as other strong players who have recently moved to our province. I can make no guesses as to who may come out on top. If you are intending on playing and have not yet filled out the form, please do so – and similarly, if you have filled out the form and must withdraw, let me know as well.

With the tournament so close, I wanted to announce a few other policies/rules for the event.

PLAYING HALL RULES: While games are ongoing, there is to be no talking or communicating with players. You may leave the playing hall at any point to go to the bathroom which is nearby – please do not communicate with players or spectators on the way to or from the playing hall while you are still playing a game. Spectators are welcome but are subject to the same rules. Both players and spectators may walk around and view other games, but please do not linger at any one board in proximity as this may disturb the players.

ELECTRONICS POLICY: all mobile devices should be TURNED OFF and either stowed in a bag (not to be retrieved until end of game), or laid face up by the board clearly visible and to remain there. In the event of a phone going off mid-round, the owner of the device will immediately forfeit the game – no exceptions! These are the conditions under which the Maritime Open 2021 and Canadian Open 2022 were ran, and I would prefer to follow those as a guideline. I will make a verbal announcement prior to each round reminding everyone of these rules.

COVID-19 POLICY: While masks will not be mandatory in the playing hall, I will be bringing a box of disposable masks to be used by any player or spectator who wishes to avail of them. I ask that all participants respect the choice to wear a mask by anyone else in the playing hall.

TIEBREAKERS: No tiebreakers will be used. In the event of a tie for 1st, all players with the same score will have their name engraved on the NL Open trophy that has been maintained since 1969. For cash prizes, the prize money for all players at that score will be added together and distributed evenly. For example, if 1st place receives $200 with 2nd place receiving $100, and the top two finishers are tied at 4.5/5, they will each receive (200 + 100) / 2) = $150.

I think have covered everything. If there are any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
