Electing a New Governor

Published in News on Aug 30, 2013

We are currently in need of a new NL representative on the CFC's Board of Governors.  Alick Tsui has served in this position for many years and we thank for him for all of his kind work and the huge amount of time he has spent to keep chess in NL going.

This is a volunteer position that would represent Newfoundland's chess interests on the Board.  The board meets the first week of every third month.  A Governor's full responsibilities can be found in the CFC Handbook (found here, particularly Section 2 Bylaws 2 and 3), but to summarize, such a provincial representative Governor should take into account the interests of Newfoundland chess, while adhering to the Federation's own directives (found in Section 1 of the Handbook).

The Governor position is only open to those who are current CFC members.  They must maintain this membership as long as they are Governors (a term is 1 year).

Members residing in NL may nominate other members, or themselves.  I would like to have a meeting in the near future for a vote on this, but nominations can be sent through e-mail if this is convenient for members.  If you have a nomination for this position, please send that nomination to info@nlchess.ca.

Kind regards,
Anthony Leonard