April 2022 Upcoming Events and Pre-registration
Hi all!
I'd like to announce additional information on the two events planned for this month, as well as advance registration links.
Date: Saturday April 9th, from 1pm-5:30pm. Registration on-site to close at 12:40pm sharp. There will be short 5-10 minute break between rounds.
Location: EN-4000 (fourth floor of MUN Engineering building)
Format: Swiss (i.e. everyone plays all rounds). 5 rounds.
Time control: Game in 15 minutes, with 10 second increment added after every move.
Entry fee: FREE
Prizes: I will be donating a few chess books - top 3 will get their choice in that order.
April Rapid Warm-up pre-registration (helps me understand likely attendance): Google Forms Link
Date: Friday April 29th to May 1st.
Round 1: April 29th 7pm (Registration closes at 6:40pm SHARP)
Rounds 2 and 3: April 30th 10am and 2:30pm
Rounds 4 and 5: May 1st 10am and 2:30pm
Location:: EN-4000, 4th floor the of MUN Engineering building (CONFIRMED)
Format: Swiss (i.e. everyone plays all rounds). 5 rounds. 1 bye may be requested for a given round - you will be awarded 1/2pt for any requested bye that is not round 5.
Time control: Game in 75 minutes, with 30 seconds increment added after every move (games may be over 3 hours total).
CFC Membership: REQUIRED. Currently priced at $44 a year, or $29 for Juniors (birth year of 2002 or later). This can either be paid to me directly on-site or online at https://www.chess.ca. Good for all CFC events across the country.
Entry fee: $15 – Entry fee is WAIVED if you are a new or renewing CFC member (need only provide proof of renewal in April, or I can purchase on your behalf).
Prizes: Cash prizes with exact structure to be determined upon completion of Round 1. Prize fund = All Entry Fees – CFC rating fees ($3 per adult, $1.50 per junior)
April Open Pre-registration: Google Forms Link
Please note: Masks will be required at all times for these events to adhere to current MUN regulations.
If you are unsure about competing in a Classical event, the Warm-up event provides a great low-commitment opportunity to test the waters. As far as Classical events go, I want to hold a second event in the summer, followed by the Newfoundland Open in either late August or early September. This is essentially our provincial championship, with the holding the NL Open trophy for a year – this trophy has been passed from winner to winner since the 1960s. The current reigning champion is Jordan Berson, who won the last NL Open in 2019.
Any updates to the above information will be posted on the local chess Facebook group as well as the website at https://nlchess.ca (which we are looking at revamping). As always, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me here or via email at anthonyleonard21@gmail.com.
Anthony Leonard (NL Tournament Director)