Anthony Leonard is 2014 NL Champion!

Published in News on Sep 29, 2014

 A big thank you to everyone who attended the NL Open this year. Anthony Leonard was the undefeated champion with 4.5, drawing only to Steve Martin. Nihad Dervisevic came in second with 4.0 points, losing only one game, to Anthony. As well the redoubtable Brian Oliver defeated three players, and played excellent games against much higher rated opponents. We awarded Brian the prize for best performance. Ryan Pickard received the prize for best junior.

We would like to thank Steve Martin, Peter Noftall, Chris White, Morgen Mills, Alick Tsui, Jordan Berson, Chris Dawson, and Michael Pickard for their help in making this year's NL Open a success. In particular we'd like to thank Ray McIsaac for his generous $100 donation, and Alick Tsui for his generous $30 donation.

-Peter Deal and Anthony Leonard

Selected game scores are posted 

